Pixel Art
Half Past Fate: Romantic Distancing
Created models, textures and set up scenes in Unity with colliders/triggers etc.
Modeled in Blender, textures done in Aseprite
Some furniture was carried over from the original Half Past Fate and was recolored/altered to fit the new game.
2D character sprites done by Bridget Olson.
2.5D Pixel Art - Abandoned House in Winter
Created the concepts, models, textures and set it up in Unity with colliders/triggers etc.
Modeled in Blender, textures done in Aseprite
Ludum Dare 48: Aquanaut
Created the character and enemy sprites as well as info screens
Textures done in Aseprite, Procreate
Ludum Dare 47: IDMJ
Created the character models, textures
Modeled in Blender, textures done in Aseprite
Let's work together
Seen something you like or got some comments or feedback? Let's talk.